All the fun of Guiding … as a leader!

This title is a little strange right now as I am still Senior Section, so there are lots of opportunities open to me. But I want to write this blog with my leader hat on because I’m scared of what will happen post 25.

And what will happen? More opportunities!

I’ve put my name down to volunteer at Wellies and Wristbands 2015. I hope I have a place as I have the week booked off! But we’re still waiting for confirmation. I believe this is because the event is still looking for MORE VOLUNTEERS! Please sign up!

As a leader who loves the entire entity that Guiding is, signing up to volunteer at Wellies and Wristbands just seems such an obvious thing.

Volunteering for a good cause? Yes

Getting out in the wild and camping? Yes

Having an adventure? Yes

Spending time with like-minded people? Yes

Having Fun? Well I certainly hope so!

I’m also excited for this trip for a number of reasons.

It’ll be my very first Guiding camp! As a Brownie leader I completed my indoor licence three years ago and love Brownie Holiday, but without any Guiding camping experience whatsoever I’m not ready yet to make the transition to tents just yet.

I’ve done festival camping before, which brings me onto point number two – giving girls the festival experience in a safe environment. I went into my first festival weekend at 17 and didn’t know what to expect. I had attended festival for the day before, but experience a full weekend was an amazing shock of an experience. I love that Guiding offer this and can’t wait to be a part of it.

I’m (hopefully) using this experience as Phase two of my Out of Doors octant. Therefore completing this eighth of Look Wider and gaining a badge! I’ve used my holiday licence for part 3, and had some fun outdoor experiences for phase 1 but have been left with a gap for phase 2, and this would fit the bill nicely!

Finally, and I haven’t mentioned my Mum yet, I get to join mother dearest on her milestone birthday which she has chosen to spend at the event!?! We both loved volunteering at Celebrate last year that when this opportunity came up we both individually wanted to do it. I checked she was still on for it when we realised it covered her birthday but she said it would be one of her new experiences she is taking on this year.

So many reasons to get involved, if you’re not already taking your unit elsewhere for the weekend, (or having one of those rare non-guiding related holidays) why wouldn’t you sign up!