Amazon World with a Toddler

If you want one awesome day out with an 18 month old on the Isle of Wight – Amazon World is your place to go.

We rolled up in March 2022, to a near empty car park, and strolled up to the desk. The first surprise was a return ticket to use anytime within the next 7 days (such a bonus with a toddler, since there’s a strong chance any visit will be short but a repeat visit will be an easy day out!).

The toilets and baby change are close by, so we headed there first and then picked up some drinks in the cafe.

Next bonus, the soft play is included in the price too (and open, by the website I wasn’t expecting to visit).

We started with a wander around the animal exhibits. T took a tumble in the rainforest section, so I spent a bit of time watching the pathways instead of the wildlife! We saw birds and fish and tortoises, one large bird got a bit close for my liking and mama bear mode activated. 

Outside, we saw ocelots and flamingos. The wallaby walk greeted us with a sign stating a young child had been scratched so we didn’t let T get too close, though he was off to meet his new furry friends. We took a fab picture in the face cut outs, though T was miles too small, and then he had a great time fastening all the buckles on some abandoned high chairs.

The meerkats were next, T loved running through the tunnel that led to more animals, and quickly we found ourselves back at the start. It flew by but we saw lots. T is so young, he doesn’t have a long attention span so it was ideal for his age.

Next, we had a quick play in the outdoor playground. A swing, a slide and a tunnel, perfect for a toddler. There was a fossil themed sandpit too.

The coin operated digger was a big hit with my boys (T and his dad!). T loves diggers, so standing on one and watching it work was very exciting for him.

Lastly, we headed inside to the monkey soft play. T started in the under 5s section, enjoying the climbing and sliding and ball pit. Then took on the older side, mainly running around the lower level and kicking a ball around. J took T back for further visits to the soft play and the animals later in the week, and they enjoyed the drop slide together too.

A couple hours well spent, and a free return pass was a fab bonus. Perfect half day outing with a toddler.